you started your business to create real freedom.
The kind that most people spend their time *daydreaming* about (but you, you don’t dream, you do). You’re ready to create consistent 6 & even 7 figure cash months, all without living on instagram, or with your phone glued to your face in the process.
I was a corporate trailblazer before entering the online space).
I started my coaching business in January 2020 & went from knocking on doors trying to convince women to come to my event for $35 to creating over $6.4m in the last 4 years (all with a small audience: currently at just over 13k).
In April 2022, 8.5 months pregnant with my second son Lennox, I decided to burn down my monthly live launch and sales call system that had scaled my business to consistent $50k cash months.
I knew i was ready to create consistent 6 figure cash months without having to live on social media to make them happen. I wanted to experience the ping of stripe and paypal notifications all day long (not just when I was live launching or stacking my calendar with sales calls).
Within 90 days of Lennox being born I had my first 6 figure cash month...
(and i never dropped below since).
You have been told to create low ticket offers for low ticket people, then high ticket offers for high ticket people…. and it’s the reason you’re capping your income & sales.
Because when you make every single offer you sell for *only* your dream soulmate clients, your low ticket offers become a *low ticket taster menu* of your work that have those same ideal clients effortlessly upgrading & cross selling into every single offer you sell.
This is The 7 Figure Offer Flow and it’s how I make multi 6 figures from low ticket *taster menu* offers. It’s the same program that has revolutionized how my clients are attracting dream clients effortlessly, who then *flow* into every single thing they sell (without sales calls or live launching).
Like you, i started this business for freedom (and not just financial). It’s not the money you want, it’s the experience of it, and if the experience sucks…. then what is the point?
I have experienced $50k-$100k months doing *all* the things: aka using very visible sales strategies: live launches, sales calls, going live, running low paid and free masterclasses each and every month.
Was i successful, yes? Did it feel like the true freedom I desired when i created my business? No.
And so I decided to build a freedom filled 7 Figure Sales System. The kind that would make money and sales all day, every day (even when i was at pilates or the pool with my kids).
Within 90 days of implementing my invisible & visible sales strategies inside my exclusive Freedom Funnels, I had a $1M month (whilst doing less than ever).
I am teaching women just like you how to have the soundtrack to their days be non stop payment notifications, regardless of how much they *show up* (even with a tiny audience).